Parklands Winter Unaffilliated Dressage Championship
December 18, 2013 10:45 amFrom 24th January 2014to April, a competition running each month. Points will be awarded in each class of intro, prelim, and novice. For any question please refer to our social media profiles, where you can also participate in a result with surprise gift for the winner. In order to participate you have like to our facebook page, as we are in the middle of a social media promotional campaign and any help on your part is much needed!
1st place 10 points
2nd place 8 points
3rd place 6 points
4th place 4 points
Points are accumulated over the 4 months and on Championship day (double points) in order to become Champion or reserve Champion
Champion receives
Sash trained & qualified, Parklands Voucher and Free Entry to your next dressage test.
Reserve Champion receives
Parklands Voucher, Free Entry to your next dressage test.
Points may only be accumulated from one level i.e only from Intro, or Preliminary or Novice